
I love my kids, my family, our dog and cats, my man, my job, baking, laughing; don’t like housecleaning, sloppy writing, doing taxes or listening to whingeing.

15 Responses

  1. Dear Jacquelyn,
    I am following your blog when I can and am inspired by your courage, grace and dignity in the face of all that is happening with you and your body. My thoughts and prayers are always with you.
    P.S. You even baked your favourite, fantastic cookies—WOW!

    • Hi and I’m happy to see you here! Luka is the taskmaster when it comes to the cookies—he has me lined up for Easter cookies and graduation cookies as well. That’ll be a lot of planning, given my energy levels these days.

      Thank you for your kind words—I have to say I haven’t felt too full of dignity these last few days, but maybe keeping your words in mind will make me feel that way!

  2. There is a women on FB that is using your picture and claiming that she has 2 pug puppies because she has cancer and that she want to re home the dogs and trying to get money from people… go to FB and see your picture under the name of Sonja Johnson…

    • Well, that’s pretty low! If Sonja does exist, I hope she uses her own picture and if she does have two pugs to re-home, I hope she knows someone with the good sense to take them off her hands. Using cancer as an excuse to extort money from people is about as low as you can go….

  3. Hi – Jacquelyn. I’m so glad we ‘found’ each other. In two months I celebrate 4 years post treatment for Triple Neg BC – quadruple mastectomy (that’s a double double), dose dense chemo (the type you went for – yay), and radiation (got my own high tech 3D avatar and 3 tiny dots tattooed in a line for the Technicians’ target practice). As I wrote in my blog, this journey’s quite the trip.

    My latest anecdote is that I just got implants – in my eyes. My chest is still flat as the Canadian prairie but my eyes have 20/20 vision at last. Something else TNBC treatment bequeathed me – cataracts.

    Some other good news travels with TNBC. It’s survivable. Apparently, all you have to do is live 8 years post diagnosis and the risks of recurrence will decrease to below that of women with more common types of BC. That’s the research I’m counting on. How hard, I ask myself, can it be to live 4 more years?

    So, you’re on your way. I look forward to sharing more milestones with you. There’s lots of reliable material now (there was almost none when I got the diagnosis) about diet and lifestyle specific to TNBC. You can do this. I look forward to your post titled: “I did it – 8 years later”.

  4. Jackie: I found you! I’ve been thinking of strongly you for the past month. Kind of odd after all these years. I’ve thought of you throughout the years, of course. But you’ve really been in my subconscious for weeks. Love to hear from you. Sheila (Watkins) Bryan.

  5. Jackie: hellllloooooo….I’ve found you! I have thought of you many times over the years but for the last many weeks you’ve been strongly in my subconscious. I now know why, old friend. You’ve had quite a time of it my dear Jackie. I’ve been married for 10 years and live in Houston. Yes, in ?Texas. You know there are many stories to be told, eh? Carey was 45 on June 22. Thane 43 in April. Love to reconnect. Pls do email me.
    Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs… Sheila (Watkins). xoxo

    • OMG!!! You must lie! Carey should be 25, Thane, 23!!!
      I am emailing you, dear friend!

  6. Clearly you are a few months ahead of me on this path. I’d love to ask you some questions about the last half of your treatment. How can I reach you via email?

  7. Hi, Jacquelyn! I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blog Award. Your blog is a great source of inspiration and entertainment for me, and I wanted to thank you. However, these awards are a bit time consuming, so if you’re too busy to play along, I won’t take it personally. Honestly, it took me the better part of yesterday to get the acceptance post together. Either way, consider this a fan letter!

  8. Just checking in to thank you again for all that helpful information you left at my place. Looks like you have quite a story of your own here, far more involved than mine, and I’ll be browsing for info and enlightenment.

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