Things I Love Thursday: thank you notes

tilt.jpgThis blog carnival is called Things I Love Thursday. The rules are simple: “pick an actual thing that you love. Feel free to do a product review, but make sure to let your readers know that you have been supplied with the product to review so we are keepin’ it honest.” This isn’t a true product review, just a posting on something I love. For more excellent things that bloggers love, check out The

Hello! What are these? Why, they’re THANK YOU NOTES! Do you remember them? I do, and very recently, because I got one just this week thanking me for some cookies I made for a friend’s 70th birthday. She is my brother’s wife’s mum, so is she my mother-in-law once-removed? twice removed? No matter, because she is a lovely, honest, funny, straight-thinking woman who raised three very smart daughters and ran a thriving business for years and years, and still does, although in a scaled-down fashion.

So I was looking through all the letters I got one morning—as my dad always said, Hey! I got a letter here from Mr. American Express, Mr. Diners Club and Mr. Esso!—I got extras that day from Ms. Visa and Mr. Property Tax. As I was flipping through those, a smaller envelope was nestled in there, with a handwriten address! Yay! And it wasn’t a “Thank you for the lovely gift. I will find a place of honour for it” note. It was single-spaced, small handwriting, for the entire inside of the note, top and bottom. It was friendly, newsy, full of detail about the surprise party and full of thanks for the cookies. I read it twice. I think it’s such a nice thank-you card that it deserves a thank-you card of its own.

It has also reminded me that we didn’t quite get out the thank-you cards from Luka’s 7.5 birthday party. Shame on some lax mothering there! And a nifty Thanksgiving weekend project.

So, the thing I love this Thursday is receiving a good, old-fashioned thank you note.

If you’d like to look at all the beautiful handmade cards by Nat, and maybe purchase some, see her store on Etsy, here, and check back tomorrow for a little bio on this Canadian mum living in Indonesia.

If you’re curious to see the cookies, check back tomorrow.

For more excellent things that my peeps love, check out The

QUESTIONS FOR YOU: aside from showers and weddings, do you get handwritten thank yous anymore? Has the dashed off e-mail taken its place? or have Hallmark’s e-greeting cards filled the gap for you?

One Response

  1. I love getting a thoughtful thank you note. I just had to do my 5 yo daughter’s notes for her birthday. I think it is an important thing to teach.

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